
speaking experience

I Will Follow You Into the Darknet, Radical Networks; Brooklyn, New York - (Oct 2015)

Co-presented with Caroline Sinders and Stephanie Hyland on the subjects of online harassment, doxing, pseudonymity, Tor, and ultimately the darknet and how to manage a pseudonymous identity with it.

Alice and Bob are Really Confused, DEF CON 23; Las Vegas, Nevada - (Aug 2015)

Presented an overview of usability issues with privacy-enhancing software with the important bonus of adding design recommendations on how to fix them

Plexi.us: Ruby on the Raspberry Pi is easy but portable hardware is hard and so is industrial design, Pivotal Labs; New York, New York - (May 2014)

Presented a gif-generating life-logging camera based on the Raspberry Pi and other open hardware

Nothing to Hide? A Forum About Online Privacy, Brooklyn Public Library; Brooklyn, New York - (Nov 2013)

Discussed the state of privacy technology for various online communication needs

Setting up a Tor Relay with GNU/Linux for Great Justice, Hack Miami Conference; Miami, Florida - (May 2013)

Guided an audience on how to set up a Tor relay using Debian

Mobile Web by Wednesday with Wink, Dev Stackup; New York, New York - (May 2013)

Told the story of the GO Brooklyn Art mobile web application, built on FuelPHP and Wink

Fun with RFID and the Adafruit NFC Arduino Shield, Desert Code Camp; Chandler, Arizona - (Nov 2012)

Demonstrated impractical uses of RFID and NFC using the Adafruit NFC Arduino shield

Shortcodes: Beyond Broadcast Messaging, Twilio Conference; San Francisco, California - (Oct 2012)

Presented on the process of acquiring and building a complete working application around an SMS shortcode

Art Hacks Everywhere, 28C3; Berlin, Germany - (Dec 2011)

Lightning talk on Art Hack Day and why it's totally rad

Hacking Hardware: Fun with Twilio and Arduino, Twilio Conference; San Francisco, California - (Sep 2011)

Demonstrated the use of Twilio with a DIY Ardunio-based hardware interface

Hackerspaces as Innovation Incubators, ABLEconf; Tempe, Arizona - (Apr 2011)

Discussed hackerspaces as ideal environments for innovation due to being less restrictive than formal research institutions

  • Slides (PDF)
  • Video (Coming not very soon or quickly it seems)

loldialer, HeatSync Labs; Chandler, Arizona - (Nov 2010)

Discussed the use of Arduino, Ruby, and Twilio for trolling applications

Hayst.ac Lightning Talk, The Next HOPE; New York, New York - (Jul 2010)

Eight minute lightning talk introducing Hayst.ac to New York hackers

Obfuscating Your Search History Panel with TrackMeNot and Hayst.ac, ACM Computers Freedom and Privacy Conference; San Jose, California - (Jun 2010)

Panel discussion on search engine privacy and search history obfuscation with Vincent Toubiana from TrackMeNot and I

My Social Network Can Beat Up Your Social Network, ABLEconf; Tempe, Arizona - (Nov 2009)

Overview and comparison of Identi.ca/StatusNet and that other microblogging system

Search Privacy Through Obfuscation: Introducing Hayst.ac, Toorcamp; Titan 1 Missile Silo, Washington - (Jul 2009)

Introduction to Hayst.ac and search history obfuscation, featuring forensics bingo and Oxy-Clean prizes

Introduction to the GP2X, ABLEconf; Tempe, Arizona - (Sep 2008)

An overview of the GNU/Linux-powered GP2X portable gaming platform and various open source projects that have sprung up around it